Dataset: UpdSSData
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White_A White_L4 White_whole Varshney Bentley2016_MA Bentley2016_PEP Cook2019Herm Cook2019Male Cook2020 Brittin2021 Witvliet1 Witvliet2 Witvliet3 Witvliet4 Witvliet5 Witvliet6 Witvliet7 Witvliet8 WormNeuroAtlas Randi2023 RipollSanchezShortRange RipollSanchezMidRange RipollSanchezLongRange Yim2024 Test SSData UpdSSData UpdSSData2
Data extracted from herm_full_edgelist.csv for neuronal connectivity. Note: legacy dataset (based on Cook et al. 2019) used in the past in OpenWorm. Only included here for reference! Do not use!. Python Reader: UpdatedSpreadsheetDataReader
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Raw Data - Neurons - Pharynx - Social Network - Escape Response Circuit - Cook 2019 Fig 3 - Locomotion 1 - Locomotion 3 - Peptidergic Hubs -
All of the cells present in the original connectome dataset