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Pereira et al. 2015

A cellular and regulatory map of the cholinergic nervous system of C. elegans

Laura Pereira, Paschalis Kratsios, Esther Serrano-Saiz, Hila Sheftel, Avi E Mayo, David H Hall, John G White, Brigitte LeBoeuf, L Rene Garcia, Uri Alon, and Oliver Hobert
eLife 4:e12432.
Published: 25 December 2015

Data for network construction

  • Connectivity data was taken from the latest release of which contains updates to the original wiring diagram (White et al. 1986)
  • Data from JSE and N2U worms were used
  • Only synaptic connections that are found within more than 3 EM serial sections are kept
  • Connection between a neuron to itself were ignored


  • They systematically mapped all cholinergic neuron types in the male and hermaphrodite C.elegans nervous system
  • Acetylcholine (ACh) is the most broadly used neurotransmitter from analysis of its usage relative to other neurotransmitters within the context of the entire connectome and within the specific network motifs embedded in the connectome.