All C. elegans cells
Intestinal muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
mu_intL | Intestinal muscles | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
mu_intR | Intestinal muscles | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Vulval muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
MVULVA | Vulval muscle | SSData | WormAtlas |
vm1AL | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm1AR | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm1PL | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm1PR | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm2AL | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm2AR | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm2PL | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
vm2PR | Vulval muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
Body wall muscle
No connections of this type found.
Uterine muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
um1AL | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um1AR | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um1PL | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um1PR | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um2AL | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um2AR | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um2PL | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
um2PR | Uterine muscle | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
Sphincter and anal depressor muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
MANAL | Anal/sphincter muscle | SSData | WormAtlas |
mu_anal | Anal/sphincter muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
mu_sph | Anal/sphincter muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Odd numbered pharyngeal muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
pm1 | Pharyngeal muscle | White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm3D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm3VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm3VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm5D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm5VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm5VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm7D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm7VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm7VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
Even numbered pharyngeal muscle
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
pm2D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm2VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm2VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm4D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm4VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm4VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm4_UNSPECIFIED | Pharyngeal muscle | White_whole | WormAtlas |
pm6D | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm6VL | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm6VR | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
pm8 | Pharyngeal muscle | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
Alimentary System
Marginal cells (mc) of the pharynx
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
mc1DL | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc1DR | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc1V | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc2DL | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc2DR | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc2V | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc3DL | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc3DR | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
mc3V | Marginal cell of the pharynx | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
Intestinal cells
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
int | Intestine | Cook2019Herm | WormAtlas |
Reproductive System
Nervous Tissue
Motor neuron
Sensory neuron
Polymodal neuron
Neuron with unknown function
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
CANL | Canal neuron | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, RipollSanchezShortRange, RipollSanchezMidRange, RipollSanchezLongRange | WormAtlas OSB 3D |
CANR | Canal neuron | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, RipollSanchezShortRange, RipollSanchezMidRange, RipollSanchezLongRange | WormAtlas OSB 3D |
Excretory System
Gland cell
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
exc_gl | Excretory gland | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet2 | exc_gl |
Excretory cell
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
exc_cell | Excretory cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | exc_cell |
Epithelial Tissue
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hyp | Hypodermis | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Sheath cell other than amphid sheath and phasmid
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
CEPshDL | Sheath cell other than amphid sheath and phasmid | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
CEPshDR | Sheath cell other than amphid sheath and phasmid | White_A, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
CEPshVL | Sheath cell other than amphid sheath and phasmid | White_A, White_L4, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
CEPshVR | Sheath cell other than amphid sheath and phasmid | White_A, White_L4, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
Pharyngeal epithelium
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
e2D | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
e2DL | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
e2DR | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
e2V | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
e2VL | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
e2VR | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
e3D | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
e3VL | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
e3VR | Pharyngeal epithelium | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
g1AL | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
g1AR | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
g1P | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
g1p | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
g2L | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
g2R | Pharyngeal glial cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
Other Tissues
Basement membrane
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
bm | Pharyngeal basement membrane | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Cook2020 | WormAtlas |
GLR cell
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
GLRDL | GLR cell | White_A, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet7, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
GLRDR | GLR cell | White_A, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
GLRL | GLR cell | White_A, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
GLRR | GLR cell | White_A, White_L4, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Witvliet2, Witvliet4, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
GLRVL | GLR cell | White_A, White_L4, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet8, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
GLRVR | GLR cell | White_A, White_L4, White_whole, Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male, Witvliet1, Witvliet2, Witvliet3, Witvliet4, Witvliet5, Witvliet6, Witvliet7, Yin2024 | WormAtlas |
Head mesodermal cell
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hmc | Head mesodermal cell | Cook2019Herm, Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Diagonal muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
dglL1 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL2 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL3 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL4 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL5 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL6 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglL7 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR1 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR2 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR3 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR4 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR5 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR6 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR7 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dglR8 | Diagonal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Posterior outer longitudinal muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
polL | Posterior outer longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
polR | Posterior outer longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Anterior inner longitudinal muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
ailL | Anterior inner longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
ailR | Anterior inner longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Posterior inner longitudinal muscles
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No connections of this type found.
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
pilL | Posterior inner longitudinal muscle (male specific) | WormAtlas |
pilR | Posterior inner longitudinal muscle (male specific) | WormAtlas |
Caudal inner longitudinal muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
cdlL | Caudal longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
cdlR | Caudal longitudinal muscle (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Spicule retractor muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
dsrL | Dorsal spicule retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dsrR | Dorsal spicule retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
vsrL | Ventral spicule retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
vsrR | Ventral spicule retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Spicule protractor muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
dspL | Dorsal spicule protractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
dspR | Dorsal spicule protractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
vspL | Ventral spicule protractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
vspR | Ventral spicule protractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Gubernacular retractor muscles
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No connections of this type found.
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
grtL | Gubernacular retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
grtR | Gubernacular retractor (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Gubernacular erector muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
gecL | Gubernacular erector (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
gecR | Gubernacular erector (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Anterior oblique muscles
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
aobL | Anterior oblique (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
aobR | Anterior oblique (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Posterior oblique muscles
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No connections of this type found.
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
pobL | Posterior oblique (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
pobR | Posterior oblique (male specific) | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
Reproductive System
Vas deferens
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gonad | Gonad (male specific) | Cook2019Male | gonad |
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proctodeum | Proctodeum (male specific) | Cook2019Male | proctodeum |
Epithelial Tissue
Ray structural cell
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Notes | Datasets | Link | |
R1shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R1shR | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R1stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R1stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R2shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R2shR | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R2stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R2stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R3shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R3shR | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R3stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R3stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R4shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R4shR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R4stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R4stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R5shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R5shR | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R5stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R5stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R6shL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R6shR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R6stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R6stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R7shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R7shR | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R7stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R7stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R8shL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R8shR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R8stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R8stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R9shL | Male ray structural cell | Cook2019Male | WormAtlas |
R9shR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R9stL | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |
R9stR | Male ray structural cell | WormAtlas |